
The New Year begins....

Like I thought I could possibly stay in a transient state forever..... smile. The New Year brings promise of greater rewards, greater achievements, greater everything. Why? I ask this every year. Why does a calendar date mean change should just be instantaneous? I don't make resolutions. I believe if you are in need of altering, you should be in the process of fixing it regardless of the date. Never once have I kept a resolution I made while drinking with friends' celebrating a New Year just before us.
This year I maintain my stance on just trying "To Be." Not involve myself unneccesarily in other's issues and remain calm when my inner self is raging a full out war to fix the universe and everything in it.
I had a great conversation with my close friend Robin the other night..... I laughed so hard, I nearly cried... It felt good. Yesterday, Tana came over and made homemade spaghetti & meatballs, YUM!
Today, Carmen came and took my children to the park, lunch and to a dollar store to spend $5 that a fabulous neighbor named Angela game them each for Christmas.
I was truly blessed to wake up these days. I need to remember that. I have had the pleasure of so many wonderful people in my life over the years. Yes, they have come and gone, but the memories and experiences will forever be cherished.
Today, albeit feeling a bit bruised from choices made so long ago, still feel grateful that I am alive, give thanks to the Supernal and love my children endlessly.......
Tomorrow...... Another chance to give, share and practice how "To Be."