That's how long it took me today to put my panties on.... I know because I timed it! Why, you ask.... well I knew it was getting a bit cumbersome and wanted to see how much time I wasted trying to get dressed. And wouldn't a device of some type be helpful for me..... Then the idea of the 6 degrees thing came to mind and how this would be an exellent opportunity to use it for real.
My idea is making "Attractive" personal hygiene products and general minor assistive devices for people with handicapps, disabilities, illness.... That actually care if if looks like a crappy piece of plastic or metal.
So I am emailing everyone (okay, not everyone, only those I want to know this blog exits) laughing out loud... sorry back on task..... asking for you to think of anyone you know that might know somebody with any link to patenting medical assistive devices and the gamut of what legal crap you have to go through... I am the creative force, I need someone who can direct me right down the path from design concept through production.
So put your thinking caps on, all data and information is welcomed.
Blessings & Light