
The End - Beginning

As we draw closer to the end of yet another year, thoughts of what I wanted for this year unravel in my head, and heart. This past year was emotionally challenging but truly not unexpected. Revelations around every corner, both good and bad. Learning to "BE." How friggin' hard it is to just "BE". Not letting myself get consumed in other's negative energy. The people I have lost because my tongue too honest. Life is far too short to pretend and hide behind lies. Why can't people just understand the simple rules of life. Be kind, kind will come back. Basic, simple stuff but so hard to follow.
Good intentions aren't always looked upon as such, when dams of knowledge flood drenched grounds....... If I could change one thing about this past year, I can honestly say nothing. I got to this point in my life by experiencing every obstacle and opportunity. I am however, hoping for a little less emotionally draining 2007.
AS I am Divine Light, please guide me through life with Positive Energy.
A very strong energy level has been surrounding my family for the past few weeks and is strenghting. Exciting and exhausting. Next year at this time a very different type of letter will be written. One of greater giving, sharing and overall abundance.
I wish each of you peace and bliss for this New Year of new beginnings. Make it count.
Blessings & Light


The Secret - Just 7 minutes

Click the link below.... It does get one thinking...... If only everyone shared positive energy everyday.

So Many Words So Little Time

I gave my daughter a Disney Princess Video/Camera for Christmas. We have been sitting here for the better part of the entire day teaching her how to shoot, download and edit her own videos and pictures. She is friggin 6. Oh the best part we are learning to all of this on her own Dell laptop. Do you not recall the age of the etch-a-sketch? I know we have spoiled her, but with technology today, kids without will not get ahead. Scary to think about....
So we figured out how to use this hot pink video cam as a live web cam as well... OMG! I haven't even hooked my digital video camera to my computer. That is my next mission. I got to find the cd-rom. I have it loaded on my laptop, but quite frankly a 3 yr old computer isn't as fast as our desktop.
All that aside.....
Christmas came and went without much incidence. Tana spent the night Christmas Eve. We fondued. Kids loved it. We actually got along pretty well. Our only potential for a sparring match was over Rosie O'Donnell. Funny. We just don't see things (any things) the same or even close enough to agree to appreciate each others opinions. It's always been like this and maybe now at this stage of my life, my tolerance level is much lower.
The turmoil that unleased itself is still present, but lessened. I don't think this one will ever fully go away. Just another unchangeable event in my life.
I let my friend Carmen read my book thus far. I have felt a bit nauseous all day. She was funny, she said "if it makes you sick for me to read, what happens if it gets published for real?" Now there's something to think about..... um.....
With Carmen's assistance I actually may get this thing done.....
As for other topics, I always have more.....
Anyone with some interest in Laws of attraction, Karma..... needs to watch the video The Secret. I am trying to post one of the segments, yell loudly if it works.........


6 Minutes !!!!!

That's how long it took me today to put my panties on.... I know because I timed it! Why, you ask.... well I knew it was getting a bit cumbersome and wanted to see how much time I wasted trying to get dressed. And wouldn't a device of some type be helpful for me..... Then the idea of the 6 degrees thing came to mind and how this would be an exellent opportunity to use it for real.
My idea is making "Attractive" personal hygiene products and general minor assistive devices for people with handicapps, disabilities, illness.... That actually care if if looks like a crappy piece of plastic or metal.
So I am emailing everyone (okay, not everyone, only those I want to know this blog exits) laughing out loud... sorry back on task..... asking for you to think of anyone you know that might know somebody with any link to patenting medical assistive devices and the gamut of what legal crap you have to go through... I am the creative force, I need someone who can direct me right down the path from design concept through production.
So put your thinking caps on, all data and information is welcomed.
Blessings & Light


The TV Guy

Oh yea, as my life unraveled yesterday..... The Plasma guy came with the new powerboard. Guess what, the new board was bad. Ya just have to laugh. New part ordered, it will be another week or so with the holidays among us.
So again, I reiterate.... What you put out into the world will come back to you. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not for 10 years, but good or bad it comes back.....

Laws of Attraction

Okay, so I have been self studying Kabbalah for almost two years. I like the concept that basically we create as much light in our lives as we allow. I find accountability for your own actions ins this world so true. I believe in Karma, positive energy attracts abundance, negative creates and sustains chaos and what goes around comes around. Time is merely an illusion. We live in the past, present and future all at the same time.
I Just (yesterday) had something I said 10 years ago, resurface and its hurting a lot of people. Crazy thing, I don't remember saying it, but I probably did. When it was said, I didn't even know it was a secret.... A deep ugly family secret.
Didn't find out it was a secret until 2 years ago. Then I figured (dumb me) that at least the immediate family knew. Well, no that would be someone els's life. I am trying not to want to fix everybody. It is very hard for me to watch those I love live with such angst, anger, and a deep longing for wanting to be something.....
I am tired of focusing on other people's issues at unhealthy levels for all involved. More than anything else I need to concentrate on me being okay and letting others go. After today, I think I finally got it... I can't feel this bad again.... Even though all was done without malious or intent to hurt and actually to help heal, it turned out so very wrong.
So I found a quote today... Weird that I find it today but here it is:
Someone who is about to admonish another must realize within himself five qualities before doing so (that he may be able to say), thus:
"In due season will I speak, not out of season. In truth I will speak, not in falsehood. Gently will I speak, not harshly. To his profit will I speak, not to his loss. With kindly intent will I speak, not in anger."
My favorite portion: To his profit will I speak, not his loss. Speak of praise or shut up if it's not necessary.
So that is my lesson for the day........


The Plasma Guy Came......

Ok, so ordinary repair techs give you about a four hour time frame. This one, well when the girl (turns out to be his daughter) says he will call you when he is on the way; it is simply that. At 7p Wednesday, I gave up hope. Figuring I would have to dig out the yellow pages and find a Samsung dealer that does repairs in the greater Atlanta area made me friggin' nauseous! At 7:20pm the guy calls, I'm on my way, will be there in about 30 minutes. What the F_ _ _????? Oh yea, I live in the south. No time schedules. Show up when ya can. Do what cha need, come back later to finish.... Obviously, my norhtern roots still haven't adapted to this laid back life style. I have been here for 20 years. Ok, what's wrong with me? Surely I should be used to this by now. It's called ADD. I have not been diagnosed, however I am a Virgo. So with that said.... He did finally arrive. Took the Plasma off the wall and removed the back panel...... WOW is all I can say. Rodney, and I watched as he performed surgery on this massive investment. Lord knows, one wrong move and I would have swung the walker in his direction!!! Anxiety aside, the problem resulted in "just" a blown power board. He will be returning Thursday with parts in hand to fix, just in time to watch the Holiday programs Tana has rented...(Whatever!) And for a mere $500. We didn't to have Lobsters flown in from Maine anyway..... just kiddin. or am I? We must have this piece of equipment repaired to save my sanity. My children now think watching movies in my room, on my bed, in MY SPACE is way more fun. Gotta stop the maddness. So the tech guy will show up some time thursday, literally. He is very nice though. Stop by again... it's going to get better.....


Can't Touch Me Now!!!! Laughter permeates the room

I received the call this afternoon. I am now on the Board of Directors for the ALS Association of GA. They made a wise decision and unanimously voted me on. Yahoo!!! Hold onto your wigs people, the wind is going to start blowing. Much change is needed and hopefully my perspective will add insight to individuals who sit on the board for mere charitable kudos and a spot on their resumes'.

I was diagnosed in March of '03 with ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. I also have familia ALS. My mother and best friend lost her battle with this horrific disease in April of '02. So today, starts yet another chapter in my fight for a cure for me, my kids, my husband and the loving memory of my mom. If you feel the need to know more, and you should..... google my name, Tami Kidd. Stories of Courage, that's me.... I did it yesterday, after hearing someone googled their name and found themselves.... Kinda creepy.

Anyway, I just want to create more awareness to a devasting disease that so few know about. Think about this..... There are about 30,000 people in the U.S. at any given time living with ALS. Every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed and every 90 minutes someone dies. Most live between 3 - 5 years. I have had symptoms for 7. My mom was diagnosed and died in 18 months. It effects every person completely differently. So congratulations to me! I wear this new title with honor and will do my best to make a difference.

Blessings & Light



Stand back...... I'm on Fire!!!!

Okay, so a tech guy is coming finally. Wednesday, from 7a - 7p???? Good thing I didn't have anything to do!!!!!
We brought the T.V. in from the screened in porch for temporary viewing conveinence. Sucks! It is true once you experience first class it is hard to go "coach." Life. The part or parts that blew are going to cost anywhere from $300 to $1200. Almost went for a paper bag to slow my breathing. "Yikes", I say. "Yeah", the girl on the other end says, "it is a plasma and your warranty expired." Okay so riddle me this batman...... do ya fix it or buy a new one if it does end up costing $1200? The price has come down so much in 3 years makes me want to hack up my left lung! I could have bought 3 plasmas now, with what I spent then. Oh, my head is reeling. Again, when did T.V's become so important???? Oh yea, when I got married and Sports Center, ESPN and a myriad of other sport related shows became an addiction to my husband. If single I would still own the JC Penney TV I had in college. Stop laughing, I am so not joking.
The kicker today is the cable, now hooked to the real TV isn't working properly..... Feeling a bit nutty!!!!!
Progress will be reported.
Next: My Business
Check out my links top right of page. Yes, I have a home based business. Yes I believe in the products. Yes I am a Network Marketer. Isn't everyone at this point???? Everyone sells something... From your kids school fundraising junk to raffle tickets for your favorite charity. If you have 7 to 10 hours a week, (substitute tv watching, computer surfing) then this business "could" work for you. Like anything else worthy of having, it takes work. This is not a "get rich quick deal." This is a business, and if you are serious about making a difference in your life and achieving financial security then check out the links. Get a taste of just a small portion of what we have to offer. Send me an email with want more info in the title and I will contact you, and give more information and how to get started. Health4lifenow@aol.com
That's it for now.
Check back soon the saga continues........